What Makes A Good Negotiator?

Revoke General Power Of Attorney - What Makes A Good Negotiator?

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I learned all about Revoke General Power Of Attorney - What Makes A Good Negotiator?. Which could be very helpful to me therefore you. What Makes A Good Negotiator?

What are the traits of an efficient negotiator? Do attorneys, politicians, realtors, car salesmen, or other professions automatically make a man a good negotiator? Not necessarily. Do certain professions receive definite negotiation training? Not always. Listen to what attorney and author Leo Reilly had to say about negotiation training in his book, How to Out Negotiate anything (Even a Car Dealer), "I negotiated the mergers of businesses, the dissolution of partnerships, and how much audited taxpayers would pay to the Irs. And, like approximately every lawyer or businessperson I have ever met, I did this with no formal study on how to negotiate." Reilly goes on to say, "Negotiating is a basal enterprise skill, yet most of us are ignorant of how to deal with the most basic negotiations."

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Revoke General Power Of Attorney

This brings us back to the question, "What makes a good negotiator?" The truth is you will find negotiators in all shapes and sizes. Negotiators will use distinct strategies, tactics, and traits to successfully negotiate varied conflicts, deals, purchases, and anything else negotiable. There is no one size fits all. In fact, you may find successful negotiators that abhor other successful negotiators' practices. While both may be successful, they may use wholly distinct styles, strategies, and tactics to get the job done.

We are still left with the initial question. To contribute an reply and contribute something that we can all benefit from about our own negotiation styles and practices, I looked to three plan polls that Chester L. Karrass wrote about in his book "The Negotiating Game." These polls looked at attorneys, accountants, sell buyers and real-estate brokers to see how they viewed negotiations. Additionally, the literature of diplomacy, enterprise and social bargaining was probed for a deeper understanding into the personality makeup of successful men and women in general. Karrass writes that as a supervene of the studies, the potential to part bargaining skill objectively and to understand how the attitudes of these varied pro groups differ with respect to the qualities considerable for a excellent negotiator was now available.

Nearly five hundred negotiators took part in the survey, and it not surprising that there were considerable differences between the answers of the varied groups. Market negotiators, such as salespeople, engineers, buyers and contract-management population differed in their responses compared to Market negotiators such as attorneys, accountants, real-estate brokers and retail-clothing buyers. As a group, those in Market activities placed greater emphasis on analytical ability, self-esteem, and patience. Attorneys and accountants see negotiation as a problem-solving affair rather than as a quest for reaching objectives. No other professions surveyed were so emphatic on these points.

Karrass reports that this study provides two clear lessons: 1) the divergence in plan between varied professionals is significant, and 2) when members of distinct professions assist one someone else at the bargaining table they are likely to view negotiations traits in diverse ways. We are now back where we started; acknowledging that there are many ways to negotiate and successful negotiators come in all shapes and sizes and possess varied traits.

However, the professionals that were surveyed, and who should know the most about negotiation, collectively believe that the following seven traits are most important:

1. Planning Skill

2. potential to think clearly under stress

3. General practical intelligence

4. Verbal ability

5. Product knowledge

6. Personal integrity

7. potential to realize and exploit power

This is not a bad list. I'm sure we can all agree that these traits are leading during negotiations. Are they the be all and end all of negotiation? No. Are there other traits we can fabricate to improve our negotiation success? Certainly. The list does give us a good start in answering our question of what makes a good negotiator. It would benefit anything who wanted to improve their negotiation skills to critique these traits within themselves and work toward developing these traits to their maximum potential.

Besides the list above, I think it would be beneficial to recognize all the traits and how they were ranked by attorneys in the survey. The following is pulled from the Appendix of "The Negotiating Game." The traits are ranked from top significance to bottom among each group.

Task-Performance Group



Product Knowledge





Aggression Group

Power exploitation


Team leadership





Social Group

Personal integrity




Personal attractiveness




Communication Group

Verbal clarity


Warm rapport





Self-Worth Group

Gain opponent's respect



Ethical standard

Personal dignity

Risk being disliked

Gain boss's respect

Organizational rank

Thought Group

Clear reasoning under stress

Analytical ability


General practical intelligence


Negotiating experience

Broad perspective


There you have it. distinct groups of traits that are leading to negotiations, and how surveyed attorneys ranked the traits when asked, "what makes a good negotiator?" We may never have a definitive reply to the question, but I can warrant that anything who focuses on improving the traits listed above will not only come to be a good negotiator and attorney, but a good man and member of society, and I think we can all agree that would be a worthy goal.

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